Building Bright Futures Network Advisement

Building Bright Futures (BBF) is Vermont’s early childhood public-private partnership charged under Title 33, Chapter 46, and the Federal Head Start Act (Public Law 110-134) as Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC) and network, the mechanism used to advise the Governor and legislature on the well-being of children in the prenatal period through age eight and their families.


Sept. 26 2023: Second Committee Meeting


March 15, 2023: Testimony to Senate Committee on Education on considerations for S. 56’s Universal Pre-K study

Mar. 1, 2023

March 16, 2023: Testimony to Senate Committee on Health and Welfare on BBF’s role within S.56 testimony 

February 24, 2023: Follow-up to S.56 testimony to Senate Committee on Health and Welfare

February 17, 2023: Follow-up to S.56 testimony to Senate Committee on Health and Welfare

February 15, 2023: Testimony to Senate Committee on Health and Welfare on legislation related to child care and early childhood education (S. 56)

January 19, 2023: An overview of BBF’s role to House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development

April 11, 2023: Testimony to House Committee on Education on legislation related to child care and early childhood education (H. 208) related to the Universal Pre-K program

February 1, 2023: Testimony to House Committee on General and Housing on housing’s impact on early childhood and family well-being

April 17, 2023: Written testimony to House Committee on Human Services on accountability within H.208/S.56 An act relating to child care and early childhood education

April 6, 2023: Testimony to House Committee on Human Services on legislation related to child care and early childhood education (H. 208)

March 21, 2023: Overview of Vermont’s Preschool Development Grant’s goals and projects to House Committee on Human Services

April 14, 2023: Testimony to House Committee on Ways and Means on legislation related to child care and early childhood education (H. 208)

H. 217 Alignment with vision for Vermont's early childhood system outlined in the Vermont Early Childhood Action Plan & recommendations endorsed by the Early Childhood State Advisory Council


Recorded Testimony: BBF testimony starts at minute 17